Članom 3. (Opšte definicije) ugovora o izbegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja sa svim državama, izričito su navedeni sledeći originalni nazivi organa koji su u navedenim državama nadležni za davanje tumačenja i primenu ugovora, uključujući i izdavanje potvrda o rezidentnosti:

Azerbejdžan Maliyyə Nazirliyi və Vergilər Nazirliyini
Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Taxes
Albanija General Taxation Department
Austrija Bundesminister für Finanzen
oder dessen bevollmächtigten Vertreter
Federal Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Belgija Minister of Finance or his authorised representative
Belorusija State Tax Committee of the Republic of Belarus
or its authorized representative
Bosna i Hercegovina Ministry of Finance and Treasury or its authorized representative Ministarstvo finansija i Trezora,
odnosno njegov ovlašćeni predstavnik
Bugarska Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Velika Britanija
i Severna Irska
Board of Inland Revenue or its authorised representative
Vijetnam Là Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài chính hoặc người đại diện được ủy quyền của Bộ trưởng
Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Gruzija FinansTa saministros an mis uflebamosil warmomadgenels
Ministry of Finance or its authorized representative
Grčka τον Υπουργό Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών ή τον εξουσιοδοτημένο αντιπρόσωπο του
Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Danska Minister for Taxation or his authorized representative
Egipat Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Estonija Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Indija Central Government in the Ministry of Finance
(Department of Revenue)

or their authorized representatives
Iran Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance
or his authorized representative
Irska Revenue Commissioners or their authorised representative
Italija Ministry of Finance
Kanada Minister of National Revenue
or the Minister’s authorized representative
Ministre du Revenu national ou son représentant autorisé
Katar Minister of Economy and Finance or his authorized representative
Kina State Administration of Taxation or its authorized representative
Kipar Minister of Finance or his authorised representative
Koreja (DNR) Ministry of Finance or its authorized representative
Kuvajt Minister of Finance
or an authorized representative of the Minister of Finance
Letonija Finanšu ministriju vai tās pilnvarotu pārstāvi
Ministry of Finance or its authorised representative
Libija Tax Department and the Secretariat of Finance
or their authorized representatives
Litvanija Finansų ministras arba jo įgaliotas atstovas
Minister of Finance or his authorised representative
Mađarska Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Makedonija Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Malezija Minister of Finance or his authorised representative
Malta Minister responsible for finance or his authorized representative
Moldavija Ministry of Finance or its authorized representative
Nemačka Bundesministerium für Finanzen
Federal Ministry of Finance
Norveška Minister of Finance and Customs or his authorised representative
Pakistan Federal Board of Revenue or its authorized representative
Poljska Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Rumunija Ministry of Finance or his authorised representative
Rusija Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
or its authorised representative
Slovačka Ministry of Finance or its authorized representative
Slovenija Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia
or its authorized representative
Tunis Ministre des Finances, ou son représentant autorisé
Turska Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati Minister of Finance
or an authorized representative of the Minister of Finance
Ukrajina State Tax Administration of Ukraine
or its authorized representative
Finska Ministry of Finance or its authorised representative
Francuska Ministre de l’économie et des finances
ou son représentant dûment autorisé
Holandija Minister of Finance or his duly authorized representative
Hrvatska Ministar financija, odnosno njegov ovlašćeni predstavnik
Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Crna Gora Ministarstvo finansija ili njegov ovlašćeni predstavnik
Češka Republika Minister of Finance or his authorized representative
Švajcarska Director of the Federal Tax Administration
or his authorized representative
Directeur de l’Administration fédérale des contributions
ou son représentant autorisé
Švedska Minister of the Budget or his authorised representative
Španija Ministro de Economía y Hacienda o su representante autorizado
Minister of Economy and Finance or his authorised representative
Šri Lanka Commissioner-General of Inland Revenue



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Dejan Trifunović